The International School

The International School

The future of education is in technology, and this is especially relevant when thinking about  international school in malaysia . With most international schools following the British style curriculum, the future of education looks very similar to how it did 100 years ago. However, times have changed, and so has education. That is why it is important to keep an eye on what is going on around you, including what educational technology is available and how it is changing the way we teach and learn.

For those who are looking for international schools in Malaysia, there are a few options to choose from. One of the best, which is also one of the oldest in the country, is the International School. The school has recently renovated and expanded its campus, and it now boasts of a 25-metre indoor-outdoor pool. Students have access to a full computer cluster, as well as a full library. Parents are also given the option to participate in weekly school activities such as jazz band practice, art exhibitions, or even movie nights. What's not to love?

A Brief History Of The International School

The International School, established in 1896, is the third oldest international school in Southeast Asia (after the British School in Singapore and the American School in Manila). Its main campus, located in the city of Kuala Lumpur, is easily accessible from Singapore and other parts of Malaysia. In fact, the school's physical location is a landmark, as the British modeled the building after the Parthenon, the temple to learning in Greece.

When it comes to educating the world's elite children, the International School has quite the reputation. Indeed, it was formerly known as the “Malaysia Camp” because it originally served as an alma mater for the British military. These days, the school welcomes students from all over the world, with more than 400 students currently enrolled at any given time. In keeping with its elitist traditions, the school is known for its ultra-competitive admission process. A handful of parents buy private educational visas for their children in order to ensure their admittance to the International School.

A Brief Description Of The Campus

The Kuala Lumpurcampus of the International School is located in the suburbs of the Malaysian capital. It is accessible from the northern part of the island via Highway #1, and from the southern part via Highway #7. The campus is a 15-minute drive from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. To get there, take the Kuala Lumpur Elevated Toll Road(aka The Klang Valley Expressway) to the Second Link. Exit at the ‘Tanjung Binar' interchange and follow the signs to the campus.

This campus offers a wealth of recreational opportunities. Students have access to an indoor pool, tennis courts, and a fully equipped fitness centre. The spacious grounds also boast of a 25-metre indoor-outdoor pool, which is open for both residents and visitors to use. Parents and students can also take advantage of the school's extensive leisure programme, which includes badminton, table tennis, and football. Parents can enroll their children in the school's sports programme after getting a permission slip from the Office of the Head of School. The sports programme teaches students discipline and responsibility, as well as providing them with additional motivation. The school also offers a trekking expedition in Bhutan as a part of the curriculum.

The Extra-Curricular Activities

The various extra-curricular activities at the International School are designed to give students the opportunity to develop independent learning skills and to experience a range of experiences. These activities include:

  • An annual school trip to Singapore
  • An annual winter party, where students can socialise with their peers and develop their social skills
  • A residential camp in Bali
  • Jazz band, which is open to everyone in the school
  • Weekly drawing lessons, where students can learn to draw and paint
  • Weekly drama lesson, where students can express themselves through theatre
  • An annual cultural exchange programme with another school
  • Regular maths competitions, where students can demonstrate their mathematical ability
  • An annual ‘Battle of the Books' tournament, where students participate in a book club and carry out various book-related tasks
  • An annual ‘Creative Writing' competition, where students can write short stories, creative essays, or even a novel (undergraduates only)
  • Annual art exhibition, where students can develop their visual thinking and expression
  • School trips to museums and cultural centres around Malaysia
  • Diversity awareness programme, where students can learn about other cultures and how to respect them
  • Service learning project, where students can do community service and gain professional and personal experience
  • An annual expedition to a remote area of Bornean rainforest where students can participate in a nature programme and learn about ecological issues
  • Field trips to notable places and historical centres around Malaysia
  • A fully accredited English Language Studies Programme, where students can study in an English speaking country and develop their English language skills

Fully Equipped Library

The Library at the International School is one of the most comprehensive in the city. There are around 12,500 books available, and the collection is constantly expanding. Amongst these are historical atlases, encyclopedias, and biographies. The School also subscribes to a range of international journals, and students can access full-text articles through the school's internet connection. If you're a parent looking for a school in Malaysia, you might want to consider this one.